EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Mathematics for our Future Climate: Theory, Data and Simulation

Mathematics for our Future Climate: Theory, Data and Simulation Navigation

PhD Opportunities in the Mathematics for our Future Climate: Theory, Data and Simulation

Application Details:

Candidates must hold a master's degree in mathematics or a related field with a strong mathematics content by the start of the PhD programme.

For entry October 2024, we have PhD studentships/places available.

PhD projects areas are split into mathematical theory and numerical modelling of fundamental oceanic and atmospheric processes, analysis of data and assimilation with weather and climate models, and mathematical applications related to the response to climate change (with some projects spanning more than one of these).

Interested students should apply to one (or more) of the three institutions.

Please be advised that the following project lists are preliminary in nature.

Imperial College London

  1. Data Assimilation in Misspecified Models with Applications to Geophysical Models

    This project will consider the problem of data assimilation and stochastic filtering when the assumed physical models are imperfect which is the case in the real world. It will explore statistical theory and practical mitigation of model misspecification (or model mismatch). The produced insights and algorithmic innovation will be tested on geophysical models arising in ocean modelling. 

  2. Statistical characterisation of wave events

    This project will tackle the statistical description of crucial wave-related processes, such as the occurrence of breaking, overtopping and extreme waves. Experimental, computational and theoretical approaches to the project can be developed with a range of marine applications in mind. 

  3. Turbulence in stratified flows

    This project will tackle the stochastic parameterisation of mixing processes and tracer transport in density-stratified flows. Computational, experimental and theoretical approaches can be developed with applications to ocean dynamics and the built environment. 

  4. Bayesian causal inference
    Causal inference aims to understand the challenging question of ‘what would happen’ in different scenarios, thus helping decision-makers make reliable choices. Bayesian methods are increasingly used for such tasks, especially for uncertainty quantification. This project will investigate such methods in theory and practice, seeking to improve their reliability and performance. 

  5. Next generation numerics for ocean modelling
    This project will take the first steps towards a new ocean model based upon innovative numerical methods that allow the use of unstructured meshes that can resolve coastlines, topography and have spatially varying resolution to focus on specific regions of interest (to study e.g. global climate impacts on regional processes). These numerical methods (based on compatible finite element methods) have already been introduced into the next generation Met Office forecasting system (LFRic), and in this project we take on the challenge of designing an efficient, accurate, scalable ocean modelling system using them.

  6. Differentiable programming abstractions for coupled climate model components.

    In this project you will develop simulation coupling technology that enables climate scientists to write models of multiple, coupled, components of the Earth system in a high level mathematical language, and have high performance parallel forward and adjoint code be generated and executed automatically.

  7. Statistical hydrodynamics and geophysical flows
    The project is related to the longtime behaviour of the two-dimensional Euler equations, with the goal of explaining the formation of large scale structures in the ocean. It is related to fluid mixing, the dynamics of vortex patches, and has links with classical work on point vortices. 

  8. Reconciling the Eulerian and Lagrangian Models for Turbulent Transport
    The underlying idea is both fundamental and highly practical: to close the profound gap between the existing approaches for characterizing turbulent transport, which is ubiquitous in geophysical fluids and climate-type models. One approach is based on observing turbulence at fixed spatial locations, and the other one follows trajectories of elementary fluid particles. The former approach is more suitable for modelling purposes, whereas the latter approach is more suitable for experimental observations of the turbulence. We don't fully understand the differences between these approaches, and we don't yet know how to translate one into the other.  

  9. Statistical space-time models for our climate

    Data collected from the climate and geological sciences are increasingly huge in their volume, posing both significant statistical and computational challenges in their analysis. This project focuses on spatio-temporal data, by developing novel models and inference procedures to tractably capture the intricate dependency structures in real-world spatio-temporal data from the British Geological Survey. 

  10. Time varying parameter models: theory and applications

    The project is concerned with the wide area of models for time-varying parameters, that find applications in climate econometrics and environmental risk management:

    i) Robust models and filters for time-varying location parameters
    ii) Score-driven filters, quasi score-driven filters and their properties

    iii) Dynamic models for multiple quantiles.

  11. Analysis and simulations of novel carbon capture processes.
    Game-changing technologies are needed to address the climate crisis. This project will model, analyse and optimise patented novel microchannel systems for direct air carbon capture using mathematical models of CO2, laden air flow over liquid sorbent infused structured microchannels. Modelling these complex systems entails description of the transport phenomena in a two-phase, reacting system. 

  12. Estimating the North Atlantic circulation collapse and its climate impacts
    Building on new observations, models, mathematical approaches, and new insights into the drivers of change and predictability, this project will test for the existence of a tipping point in the North Atlantic ocean circulation, estimate how close it is, and assess the climate impacts if this tipping point is crossed.
    Partner: National Oceanography Centre (NOC)

University of Reading

  1. Machine Learning Approaches in Bayesian and Ensemble Data Assimilation
    Data assimilation (DA), the process of combining model predictions with observations, is essential for weather forecasting. Computational limitations render typical DA algorithms suboptimal. This project will use machine learning to infer new DA algorithms that are as close to optimality as possible, leveraging variational inference, in order to improve forecasts.
    Partner: Imperial College, National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).

  2. Large ensembles of machine learning forecasts for advanced nonlinear filters in atmospheric data assimilation
    Recently, machine learning (ML) weather forecasting models have shown deterministic forecast skill approaching that of physics-based models, at a small fraction of the computational cost. This provides the opportunity to create very large ensembles of ML forecasts, with the potential to improve data assimilation (DA), the process of optimally combining forecasts and observations to improve the accuracy of weather predictions.
    Partner: National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), UK Met Office

  3. Can we improve past climate state estimates using more recent observations?
    The project will investigate and develop an efficient post-processing assimilation method to enhance existing Earth system reanalysis datasets using all available observations. The newly developed method will have the potential to be applied to various climate datasets including atmosphere, oceans, sea ice and Land surface.
    Partners: National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO), University of Bologna, Italy

  4. Advanced mathematical methods for the detection and attribution of non-stationarity in climate timeseries
    Non-stationarity is the essence of climate change, but its mathematical analysis is challenged by deep uncertainty. This project aims to leverage innovative machine learning and causal inference techniques to detect and attribute non-stationarity in climate timeseries in a principled yet physically interpretable way, applied to atmospheric teleconnections and regional climate.
    Partners: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and Technical University Ilmenau, Germany

  5. Mathematical Modelling of Resilient Refrigerated Cold Supply Chains
    How resilient are our supply chains to a changing climate? This project seeks to understand the playoff in designing resilient refrigerated cold supply chains versus the energy costs of maintaining them in the face of a changing climate.

  6. Studying rare events and slow dynamics in climate change and sustainable environment using statistical sampling and multiscale computer simulations
    Rare and extreme events are getting more common and causing severe consequences due to climate change. This PhD project is aimed at developing advanced statistical sampling and multiscale computer simulation methods to investigate rare events and their transition dynamics in complex systems related to weather, climate and environmental sustainability.
    Partner: University of Warwick

  7. Thermal Rossby waves and North Atlantic climate variability: theory, modelling and prediction
    In the North Atlantic region, decadal changes in weather and climate are linked to slowly changing ocean temperatures. The student will test the hypothesis that the these temperature changes are caused by slowly moving thermal Rossby waves, using theory, idealised ocean models and state-of-the-art high resolution climate prediction models.
    Partner: National Oceanography Centre

  8. Data Assimilation of atmospheric and marine tracers - how good are we and how good can we be?

    Data assimilation (DA), the process of combining model predictions with observations, is essential for weather forecasting. The project will develop methodological approaches for assimilation of dense observation datasets, in particular satellite retrievals of atmospheric and marine tracers, in the context of transport-diffusion (or transport-reaction-diffusion) models. Through consistent estimates of error covariance matrices (exploiting recent results which are to be extended further under this project), the project will improve existing data assimilation techniques. Further, their performance will be compared with the theoretically optimal performance of (practically not achievable) algorithms on a rigorous basis.
    Partner: National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO)

University of Southampton

  1. Detecting Rapid Changes and Tipping Points in the Abyssal Ocean Circulation
    The abyssal ocean circulation is key to Earth’s climate. Numerical models suggest that the circulation is slowing down dramatically. However, no approach exists to observe the circulation’s variability. This project will develop and apply the first approach to detect changes in the abyssal circulation from oceanic variables measurable from satellites.
    Partner: European Space Agency (ESA).

  2. Quantifying Discretisation Error in Climate Models
    A significant challenge in climate models is discretisation error: even on cutting-edge hardware it is impossible to use fine enough discretisations to resolve underlying physics, which can have a significant impact on modelling results. This project will employ cutting-edge probabilistic methods to quantify discretization error in ocean and climate models.

  3. Cryosphere and Underwater Remote Inspection and Observation using Optic-fibre based Sustainable noise-InTerferometrY (CURIOSITY)
    The project aims to combine passive acoustic noise interferometry and distributed acoustic sensing of seafloor cables embedded with machine learning. This novel, coherent combination will sustainably enable at low-cost, spatially resolved high-resolution real-time insights into physical attributes (e.g., temperature, water-velocity, pressure etc.) of the water column and the cryosphere.
    Partner: National Oceanography Centre (NOC).

  4. Improved prediction and forecasting of coastal compound flood hazard around the UK
    In low-lying coastal regions, flooding often arises from more than one drive (e.g. oceanographic, fluvial and/or pluvial), a phenomenon that is known as ‘compound flooding’.
    This PhD will use a new km-scale system coupling atmosphere, land, waves and ocean. Modelling experiments across weather and climate timescales will further our understanding and improve the prediction of compound events and their potential changes in the future.

  5. Inferring the role of mixing in the ocean’s thermohaline circulation from fine-scale measurements
    In this project you will infer large-scale ocean circulation (>1000 km) in the North Atlantic from fine-scale (~100 m) estimates of the rates of mixing and heat and salt derived from autonomous float observations.
    Partner: National Oceanography Centre (NOC).

  6. Ocean eddy variability across multiple scales
    Connecting small scale effects (such eddies in the ocean) to their large scale impact on climate models
    is hard. Multiscale methods are one tool at the mathematical end; subgrid modelling is another tool at the simulation end. This project uses symmetry approaches connecting these techniques to improve numerical climate models.

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Programme Run By:

  • mfc.cdt@imperial.ac.uk

  • MFC


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